The Salifert Ca Calcium ProfiTest is a highly precise test kit designed specifically to easily and reliably measure the calcium content in your marine aquarium.
9,17 € * More information
Permanent CO2 monitoring. CO2 is among the most important nutrients for aquatic plants. Deficiencies can therefore have severe consequences.
10,38 € * More information
Hiermit ist CO2 immer im grünen Bereich. Simple und exakte Kontrolle des CO2-Gehalts im Aquarium.
13,98 € * More information
Zuverlässige und genaue Messungen des pH-Wertes in Süßwasser. Hohe Reichweite und gute Langzeitstabilität.
6,18 € * More information
Silicate (SiO3) supports the growth of diatoms in marine and freshwater aquariums. The sera silicate-Test allows monitoring the silicate level reliably and easily.
10,28 € * More information
Zur Bestimmung der Karbonathärte bzw. der Alkalinität im Meerwasser.
9,78 € * More information
Makes it easy to monitor the ammonium/ammonia level in fresh and marine water
9,58 € * More information
Both fish waste and feeding are possible causes for phosphate introduction into the water. A part is taken up as a nutrient by plants, an excess, however, provides nutrition for unwanted algae.
9,38 € * More information