Zur exaxten und zuverlässigen Bestimmung des Kohlendioxidwertes in allen Süßwasseraquarien. Hohe Reichweite und gute Langzeitstabilität.
7,58 € * More information
Der innovative EasyCrystal FilterPack C ist für den EasyCrystal Filter und für die EasyCrystal FilterBox geeignet. Die Filterkartusche ist mit Aktivkohle beschichtet und sorgt für kristallklares gesundes Aquariumwasser.
16,37 € * More information
Der innovative EasyCrystal FilterPack C ist für den EasyCrystal Filter und für die EasyCrystal FilterBox geeignet. Die Filterkartusche ist mit Aktivkohle beschichtet und sorgt für kristallklares gesundes Aquariumwasser.
8,48 € * More information
High-quality color granule food for full color development of all ornamental fish.
6,58 € * More information
Enriched with the best fish oil it provides extra-protion energy, it also contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins like A and D. For all ornamental fish.
50,08 € * More information
Multi-Crisps with high content of caratinoids to enhance the natural color. Regularly fed, the color-enhancing effect is already noticeable after two weeks. Premium food for all ornamental fish.
8,88 € * More information
Multi-Crisps with high content of caratinoids to enhance the natural color. Regularly fed, the color-enhancing effect is already noticeable after two weeks. Premium food for all ornamental fish.
50,18 € * More information
For all tropical ornamental fish. Premium food ideal for herbivorous fish.
8,88 € * More information
For all ornamental fish as main food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for clearer water guaranteed
37,78 € * More information
For all ornamental fish as main food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for clearer water guaranteed
7,08 € * More information