Das EXTRA an Wuchspower. Spezial-Wurzeldünger für die gezielte Nährstoffzugabe direkt an der Wurzel.
5,88 € * More information
Hochkonzentrierter Profi-Dünger der Ihre Aquariumpflanzen mit allen benötigten Nährstoffen versorgt.
15,08 € * More information
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
6,28 € * More information
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
7,58 € * More information
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
6,28 € * More information
Bio-CO2 is a specially developed microbial source of carbon to enhance the health and growth of the plants in your freshwater aquarium.
7,28 € * More information
Bio-CO2 is a specially developed microbial source of carbon to enhance the health and growth of the plants in your freshwater aquarium.
10,88 € * More information
Plants Green is a specially developed complete plant fertiliser for all aquatic plants. Plants Green ensures of the unique ingredients magnificent, healthy and strong plants and outstanding root growth.
9,98 € * More information
Premium Eisen-Wasserpflanzendünger für das Süßwasser- Aquarium. MICROBE-LIFT Bloom&Grow Iron - (Eisen) ist eine hochkonzentrierte (10.000 mg / L.) Eisen (Fe2) Gluconat Lösung.
7,88 € * More information
Premium Eisen-Wasserpflanzendünger für das Süßwasser- Aquarium. MICROBE-LIFT Bloom&Grow Iron - (Eisen) ist eine hochkonzentrierte (10.000 mg / L.) Eisen (Fe2) Gluconat Lösung.
9,98 € * More information
Premium Eisen-Wasserpflanzendünger für das Süßwasser- Aquarium. MICROBE-LIFT Bloom&Grow Iron - (Eisen) ist eine hochkonzentrierte (10.000 mg / L.) Eisen (Fe2) Gluconat Lösung.
11,48 € * More information
Plant care product for plant aquariums with few animals • Systemic care • With NPK for main supply • For aquarium plants
7,68 € * More information
Dennerle NutriBalls Nährstoffkugeln zum gezielten Nachdüngen, als ideale Starthilfe, mit Eisen und wichtigen Spurenelementen, einfache Anwendung, für alle Aquarienpflanzen.
9,58 € * More information
Macronutrient fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with few fish
8,38 € * More information
FLOURISH TABS sind wachstumsstimulierende Tabletten für die Pflanzenwurzeln. Sie enthalten wichtige Spurenelemente, Aminosäuren und Vitamine.
10,48 € * More information
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
8,98 € * More information
For strengthening disease resistance • Systemic care • With essential micro nutrients, trace elements and vitamins • For aquarium plants
8,88 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
3,47 € * More information
Phosphate fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums
7,08 € * More information
FLOURISH™ ist ein Wachstumsstimulator für die Stengel und Blätter von Aquariumpflanzen im natürlichen Süßwasseraquarium. Eine 100-ml-Flasche behandelt 160 Liter Wasser für einen Zeitraum von 4 bis 6 Monaten.
14,98 € * More information
Bio-CO2 is a specially developed microbial source of carbon to enhance the health and growth of the plants in your freshwater aquarium.
14,08 € * More information
EasyCarbo is an extremely powerful and effective carbon source for aquarium plants. It also actively combats and prevents the growth of algae.
3,47 € * More information
The power for your aquarium plants. Full power for aquarium plants.
6,28 € * More information
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
10,88 € * More information
Plants Green is a specially developed complete plant fertiliser for all aquatic plants. Plants Green ensures of the unique ingredients magnificent, healthy and strong plants and outstanding root growth.
13,28 € * More information
Dennerle NutriBalls Nährstoffkugeln zum gezielten Nachdüngen, als ideale Starthilfe, mit Eisen und wichtigen Spurenelementen, einfache Anwendung, für alle Aquarienpflanzen.
4,18 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
14,28 € * More information
Additional carbon for optimal growth • Systemic care • Alternative carbon source • For aquarium plants.
12,48 € * More information
Active carbon for accelerated plant growth. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively.
5,99 € * More information
sera florena is the ideal care product for aquatic plants that take up nutrients mainly through the leaves. provides aquatic plants with all important minerals and trace elements for healthy and colorful growth so they can fulfill this important task.
12,38 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
5,18 € * More information
Potassium fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums
7,08 € * More information
FLOURISH NITROGEN™ ist eine konzentrierte (15,000 mg/L) Mischung vom Stickstoffverbindungen.
6,88 € * More information
Plants Green is a specially developed complete plant fertiliser for all aquatic plants. Plants Green ensures of the unique ingredients magnificent, healthy and strong plants and outstanding root growth.
4,88 € * More information
Easy Life Ferro, a Extra iron when needed. It contains easily absorbable iron for water plants. Iron is essential for the good development of plant leaves. Iron ensures that the leaves are green thanks to the creation of chlorophyll.
4,47 € * More information
sera florena is the ideal care product for aquatic plants that take up nutrients mainly through the leaves. provides aquatic plants with all important minerals and trace elements for healthy and colorful growth so they can fulfill this important task.
49,18 € * More information
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
11,78 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
8,88 € * More information
Hochkonzentrierter Profi-Dünger der Ihre Aquariumpflanzen mit allen benötigten Nährstoffen versorgt.
21,98 € * More information
Easy-Life Nitro and Easy-Life Fosfo are used to compensate for a deficiency of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), respectively.
7,49 € * More information
sera florenette is the ideal care product for aquatic plants that take up nutrients mainly through the roots. The combination of sera florenette and sera florena is perfectly balanced and fulfills all requirements of the different aquatic plant species.
7,78 € * More information
Additional iron for splendid color development • Systemic care • Additional iron for plants with high consumption • UV stable • For splendid aquarium plants
12,19 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
50,48 € * More information
Easy-Life ProFito is an all-in-one, universal plant food which is suitable for all water plants in aquaria. The composition of ProFito ensures strong, healthy and lush plant growth.
4,58 € * More information
The power for your aquarium plants. Full power for aquarium plants.
8,28 € * More information
Easy Life Potassium is a macronutrient, just as important as iron. Very important for plant growth, so it should be present in sufficient quantities. Nitrate and phosphate free.
7,49 € * More information
Easy Life Ferro, a Extra iron when needed. It contains easily absorbable iron for water plants. Iron is essential for the good development of plant leaves. Iron ensures that the leaves are green thanks to the creation of chlorophyll.
7,49 € * More information
Monthly universal fertilizer whose nutrients are absorbed by aquatic plants through their leaves. Allows the plant to grow lush and lush green. For all freshwater aquariums.
8,88 € * More information