AquaMaker is a powerful, fast working water conditioner.
52,07 € *
sera aquatan clears the water, instantly binds harmful heavy metal ions and neutralises dissolved salts as well as aggressive chlorine.
50,88 € *
sera aquatan clears the water, instantly binds harmful heavy metal ions and neutralises dissolved salts as well as aggressive chlorine.
27,77 € *
For a rapid, lasting improvement in water quality removes Dennerle Clear Water Elixier impurities, colours and unpleasant smells.
16,98 € *
AquaMaker is a powerful, fast working water conditioner.
16,48 € *
sera aquatan clears the water, instantly binds harmful heavy metal ions and neutralises dissolved salts as well as aggressive chlorine.
15,68 € *
Quickly and reliably eliminates clouding from aquarium water caused by dirt particles. The aquarium water is crystal clear within just a few hours.
15,08 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
13,58 € *
AquaMaker is a powerful, fast working water conditioner.
12,88 € *
Bei Sauerstoffmangel schafft sera oxypur schnell Abhilfe, indem es die Sauerstoffversorgung der Fische und sonstigen im Wasser lebenden Organismen unterstützt.
12,38 € *