Der innovative EasyCrystal FilterPack C ist für den EasyCrystal Filter und für die EasyCrystal FilterBox geeignet. Die Filterkartusche ist mit Aktivkohle beschichtet und sorgt für kristallklares gesundes Aquariumwasser.
16,42 € *
Healthy purity • Removes treatment remainders after having treated • Removes pollutants and tints • Phosphate free • Effective for a long time • Immediate help in acute cases of intoxication • For clear, safe water
3,65 € *
JUWEL charcoal filters absorb odour compounds and turbidity as well as toxic compounds, leaving the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
4,09 € *
Healthy purity • Removes treatment remainders after having treated • Removes pollutants and tints • Phosphate free • Effective for a long time • Immediate help in acute cases of intoxication • For clear, safe water
5,50 € *
Healthy purity • Removes treatment remainders after having treated • Removes pollutants and tints • Phosphate free • Effective for a long time • Immediate help in acute cases of intoxication • For clear, safe water
15,45 € *
The excellent absorption properties of Carbax enduringly and quickly bind discolorations, odours and toxic substances and ensure crystal-clear water.
13,72 € *
The excellent absorption properties of Carbax enduringly and quickly bind discolorations, odours and toxic substances and ensure crystal-clear water.
16,42 € *
JUWEL charcoal filters absorb odour compounds and turbidity as well as toxic compounds, leaving the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
7,98 € *
The excellent absorption properties of Carbax enduringly and quickly bind discolorations, odours and toxic substances and ensure crystal-clear water.
9,71 € *
JUWEL charcoal filters absorb odour compounds and turbidity as well as toxic compounds, leaving the water in your aquarium crystal clear.
9,28 € *