Micro soft granules for fry with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured micro soft granules for all fry eating in middle water layers.
4,98 € *
Micro soft granules for fry with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured micro soft granules for all fry eating in middle water layers.
38,18 € *
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form kleiner sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung von kleinen Aquarienfischen und Jungfischen.
32,49 € *
Proteinreiches, wachstumförderndes Staubfutter für Brutfische.
4,38 € *
Futter für die Brut eierlegender Fische.
2,88 € *
Micro flakes for juveniles. sera Vipan Baby is the rearing food consisting of carefully manufactured micro flakes for all juvenile fish eating at the water surface.
from 3,78 € *