Helps nature through natural, microbiological cleaning and maintenance of the water!
152,78 € *
Immediate help for acute oxygen deficiency. Regulates the oxygen content in the pond. Makes water crystal clear. Removes bad smells.
139,88 € *
Ideal für die Erstbefüllung von neuen Gartenteichen. Bereitet Leitungs-, Regen- und Brunnenwasser in artgerechtes Teichwasser auf. Entfernt schädliche Stoffe und Verbindungen aus dem Wasser.
139,88 € *
For a long life of the fish. Creates excellent living conditions for pond dwellers. Increases the carbonate hardness in water and prevents pH fluctuations. Improves water quality. Helps against heavy metal pollution. and ammonia poisoning
133,08 € *
With PondSludgeRemover, you can easily free your garden pond from organic sludge and deposits without the need for sludge extractors!
139,78 € *
Söll BioBooster contains very special types of bacteria which work extremely efficiently and quickly to restore the natural balance in your pond.
87,68 € *
Ideal für die Erstbefüllung von neuen Gartenteichen. Bereitet Leitungs-, Regen- und Brunnenwasser in artgerechtes Teichwasser auf. Entfernt schädliche Stoffe und Verbindungen aus dem Wasser.
78,48 € *
Helps nature through natural, microbiological cleaning and maintenance of the water!
81,28 € *
With PondSludgeRemover, you can easily free your garden pond from organic sludge and deposits without the need for sludge extractors!
75,08 € *
Stabilises important water values in garden ponds quickly and effectively, thereby preventing excessively soft water.
10,88 € *