Zur Bestimmung der Karbonathärte bzw. der Alkalinität im Meerwasser.
9,78 € * More information
Zur exaxten und zuverlässigen Bestimmung des Kohlendioxidwertes in allen Süßwasseraquarien. Hohe Reichweite und gute Langzeitstabilität.
7,58 € * More information
Zuverlässige und genaue Messungen des pH-Wertes in Süßwasser. Hohe Reichweite und gute Langzeitstabilität.
6,18 € * More information
Für genaue Messungen des Nitrat- Gehaltes in Süß- und Meerwasser. Hohe Reichweite und Langzeitstabilität.
18,98 € * More information
Silicate (SiO3) supports the growth of diatoms in marine and freshwater aquariums. The sera silicate-Test allows monitoring the silicate level reliably and easily.
10,28 € * More information
Both fish waste and feeding are possible causes for phosphate introduction into the water. A part is taken up as a nutrient by plants, an excess, however, provides nutrition for unwanted algae.
9,38 € * More information
Makes it easy to monitor the pH value in fresh and marine water and ponds. For approx. 100 measurements.
5,58 € * More information
The sera O2-Test monitors the actual oxygen level in the water within minutes and allows for acting in time. Sufficient for approx. 60 measurements.
9,28 € * More information
Nitrite (NO2) is among the most toxic substances for fish in aquariums. It can enrich in the water in case of insufficient biological filtration. Sufficient for approx. 75 measurements.
7,58 € * More information
Nitrate (NO3) is an indicator for severe organic pollution. Sufficient for approx. 60 measurements.
8,88 € * More information