Hochkonzentrierter Profi-Dünger der Ihre Aquariumpflanzen mit allen benötigten Nährstoffen versorgt.
15,08 € * More information
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
6,28 € * More information
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
7,58 € * More information
Gerundete Körner - Schutz für die Bodenfische. Perfekte BIO-Funktion, ausgezeichnete Optik.
14,48 € * More information
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
6,28 € * More information
Macronutrient fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with few fish
8,38 € * More information
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
6,28 € * More information
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
8,98 € * More information
For a rapid, lasting improvement in water quality removes Dennerle Clear Water Elixier impurities, colours and unpleasant smells.
8,48 € * More information