The latest result of the research and development department is a new, high-performance and extremely compact CO2 adding device especially for mini aquariums: the CO2 nano flipper.
7,98 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
6,28 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
8,98 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
11,78 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
6,28 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
8,48 € *
Highly effective, concentrated mixed culture of selected, living purification bacteria. The quick easy and biological protection for your aquarium.
3,97 € *
Hochwirksame Mischkultur lebender Reinigungsbakterien, sofort aktiv, sorgt für natürlichen Schadstoffabbau. Bakterien im Aquarium beseitigen ununterbrochen und unsichtbar Fischausscheidungen, Pflanzen- und Futterreste.
8,48 € *
Dennerle Nano Bio FilterGranulat ist ein leistungsstarkes, biologisches Langzeit Filtermaterial. Für die Anwendung in Dennerle Nano Filtermodul und Dennerle Nano FilterExtension.
7,38 € *