Hochwirksame Mischkultur lebender Reinigungsbakterien, sofort aktiv, sorgt für natürlichen Schadstoffabbau. Bakterien im Aquarium beseitigen ununterbrochen und unsichtbar Fischausscheidungen, Pflanzen- und Futterreste.
8,48 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
6,28 € *
Dennerle KH + elixier in the freshwater aquarium ensures optimal carbonate hardness and stable pH.
6,78 € *
The power for your aquarium plants. Full power for aquarium plants.
6,28 € *
This food was designed to suit the occupants of classic community tanks. With 30 different ingredients, these fine granules are highly acceptable to fish of various sizes.
5,57 € *
This food is shaped into wafers and sinks fast for bottom-dwelling fish such as cory, loach, sucking loach, bichir and many types of catfish.
8,08 € *
Macronutrient fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with few fish
8,38 € *
Lebendiges, frisches Licht. Wie an einem schönen Sommertag um 12 Uhr mittags. Ersatzlampe für Dennerle Nano Light.
13,98 € *
Phosphate fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums
7,08 € *