Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
15,28 € *
Dennerle NutriBalls Nährstoffkugeln zum gezielten Nachdüngen, als ideale Starthilfe, mit Eisen und wichtigen Spurenelementen, einfache Anwendung, für alle Aquarienpflanzen.
11,38 € *
Das EXTRA an Wuchspower. Spezial-Wurzeldünger für die gezielte Nährstoffzugabe direkt an der Wurzel.
10,78 € *
The nutritious pellets were specially developed for discus fish. Biologically balanced it supplies the king of the aquarium with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acid, which it daily needs.
13,28 € *
Hochkonzentrierter Profi-Dünger der Ihre Aquariumpflanzen mit allen benötigten Nährstoffen versorgt.
20,28 € *
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
10,48 € *
Liquid carbon fertiliser based on purely natural ingredients. Supplies all aquarium plants with readily available carbon, quickly and effectively. With potassium, iron, manganese and boron
11,78 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
11,38 € *
Multi-mineral culture medium for freshwater aquariums
23,98 € *
For a rapid, lasting improvement in water quality removes Dennerle Clear Water Elixier impurities, colours and unpleasant smells.
13,58 € *
For goldfish and related breeds such as veiltails, shubunkins, comets and lionheads.
9,28 € *
Basic food for herbivorous cichlids. For cichlids that feed on plants, such as Tropheus, this food contains a high proportion of plant-based ingredients.
25,78 € *
Gerundete Körner - Schutz für die Bodenfische. Perfekte BIO-Funktion, ausgezeichnete Optik.
15,37 € *
Gerundete Körner - Schutz für die Bodenfische. Perfekte BIO-Funktion, ausgezeichnete Optik.
18,18 € *
The Dennerle CO2 Reusable Reserve Cylinder with a capacity of 2,000 g is the ideal solution for aquarium enthusiasts who prioritize reliable CO2 supplementation in their planted aquariums.
119,29 € *
Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
15,78 € *
Basic food for catfish that eat algae and plants, especially plecos such as Ancistrus, Peckoltia, Glyptoperichthys, Baryancistrus and Hypancistrus.
9,28 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
11,38 € *
Basic Food for all ornamental fishes. This fish food has been designed for the residents of classical society aquariums.
16,78 € *
This food is shaped into wafers and sinks fast for bottom-dwelling fish such as cory, loach, sucking loach, bichir and many types of catfish.
11,78 € *
Dennerle NutriBalls Nährstoffkugeln zum gezielten Nachdüngen, als ideale Starthilfe, mit Eisen und wichtigen Spurenelementen, einfache Anwendung, für alle Aquarienpflanzen.
14,68 € *
Macronutrient fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with few fish
15,28 € *
NutriBasis 6in1 perfekte Startbedingungen für optimalen prächtigen Pflanzenwuchs, sorgt für sicheres Anwachsen und kräftige Wurzelbildung, nicht algenfördernd.
16,28 € *
NutriBasis 6in1 perfekte Startbedingungen für optimalen prächtigen Pflanzenwuchs, sorgt für sicheres Anwachsen und kräftige Wurzelbildung, nicht algenfördernd.
12,78 € *
Für sattgrüne Blätter, Dennerle E15 FerActiv Eisendünger mit sofort wirksamem 2-wertigen Nähreisen. Damit bekommen Ihre Pflanzen wieder prachtvolles und frisches Grün.
12,19 € *
The nutritious pellets were specially developed for discus fish. Biologically balanced it supplies the king of the aquarium with all the essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and omega-3 fatty acid, which it daily needs.
25,78 € *
Aquarium easy care for fish, shrimp, plants, filters and water
14,18 € *
Multi-mineral culture medium for freshwater aquariums
18,48 € *
Zur CO2 Düngung von Aquarien. Für fantastischen Pflanzenwuchs.
59,48 € *
Many Malawi and Lake Tanganyika cichlids, such as the large genus Neolamprologus, are predators in nature and feed on zooplankton and crustaceans.
12,28 € *
Basic food for herbivorous cichlids. For cichlids that feed on plants, such as Tropheus, this food contains a high proportion of plant-based ingredients.
12,28 € *
Gerundete Körner - Schutz für die Bodenfische. Perfekte BIO-Funktion, ausgezeichnete Optik.
18,18 € *
Gerundete Körner - Schutz für die Bodenfische. Perfekte BIO-Funktion, ausgezeichnete Optik.
18,18 € *
Aqua Elixier renders critical substances in tap water harmless and adds active substances.
13,58 € *
Lebendiges, brillantes Tageslicht mit UV-Stop für für Süßwasser-Aquarien
23,59 € *
ShrimpKing Active Soil consists of up to 100% natural raw materials. Produced from a variety of carefully selected natural soils, it provides essential minerals and trace elements, which promote the health and growth of shrimps.
21,98 € *
High-performance fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with good growth conditions
9,48 € *
Perfekt um auch in kleinen Aquarien Garnelen oder Mini-Fische zu fangen.
13,08 € *
Stylish LED light for nano aquariums. Installed via clip attachment in seconds.
68,48 € *
Härtefreier Kies, der den pH Wert nicht ändert. Der Kies ist abgerundet und somit ungefährlich für bodenbewohnende Fische. Die Körnung beträgt 0,7 - 1,2 mm.
13,28 € *
This food is shaped into wafers and sinks fast for bottom-dwelling fish such as cory, loach, sucking loach, bichir and many types of catfish.
9,28 € *
This food was designed to suit the occupants of classic community tanks. With 30 different ingredients, these fine granules are highly acceptable to fish of various sizes.
9,28 € *
Basic Food for all ornamental fishes. This fish food has been designed for the residents of classical society aquariums.
8,28 € *
This food was designed to suit the occupants of classic community tanks. With 30 different ingredients, these fine granules are highly acceptable to fish of various sizes.
11,78 € *
Basic Food for all ornamental fishes. This fish food has been designed for the residents of classical society aquariums.
9,28 € *
Macronutrient fertilizer for heavily planted aquariums with few fish
19,68 € *