With its natural brown colour scheme, striking rock structure and distinctive illusion of depth, the Cliff Dark colour background is a highly impressive addition to your aquarium.
46,48 € *
With its natural light colour scheme, striking rock structure and distinctive illusion of depth, the Cliff Light colour background is a highly impressive addition to your aquarium.
46,48 € *
JUWEL Poly Pad catches coarse particles of dirt in the water, thereby serving as a mechanical pre-filter.
2,38 € *
JUWEL Poly Pad catches coarse particles of dirt in the water, thereby serving as a mechanical pre-filter.
2,78 € *
JUWEL Poly Pad catches coarse particles of dirt in the water, thereby serving as a mechanical pre-filter.
3,08 € *
The JUWEL filter sponge coarse serves for the mechanical and biological filtering of your aquarium, making it an essential component of the JUWEL filter system.
3,38 € *
The JUWEL filter sponge coarse serves for the mechanical and biological filtering of your aquarium, making it an essential component of the JUWEL filter system.
3,78 € *
The JUWEL filter sponge coarse serves for the mechanical and biological filtering of your aquarium, making it an essential component of the JUWEL filter system.
4,58 € *
Die im unteren Bereich des Filters befindlichen feinporigen Filterschwämme halten auch kleinste Schwebstoffe zurück und sorgen für kristallklares Wasser.
3,38 € *
Die im unteren Bereich des Filters befindlichen feinporigen Filterschwämme halten auch kleinste Schwebstoffe zurück und sorgen für kristallklares Wasser.
3,78 € *