D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing flakes for discus.
42,87 € *
D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing flakes for discus.
63,48 € *
D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing flakes for discus.
118,58 € *
SUPER SPIRULINA FORTE GRANULAT vegetable, sinking granules with high content of spirulina (36%).
15,48 € *
SUPER SPIRULINA FORTE GRANULAT vegetable, sinking granules with high content of spirulina (36%).
28,68 € *
TROPICAL DISCUS GRAN D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus.
11,09 € *
TROPICAL DISCUS GRAN D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus.
17,78 € *
CICHLID & AROWANA MEDIUM STICKS colour-enhancing food for medium cichlids and young arowanas.
29,82 € *
GREEN ALGAE WAFERS vegetable, sinking wafers with spirulina for algae eaters.
from 15,64 € *
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung allesfressender Aquarienfische, besonders solcher, die ihre Nahrung in den mittleren Wasserschichten oder am Boden suchen.
8,28 € *