Dennerle CO2 Diffusor ULTRA for highly effective CO2 dissolution through nano atomization
10,08 € * More information
Maximum CO2 dissolution in stylish design
14,18 € * More information
The new generation of CO2 reactors. The sera flore CO2 active reactor is integrated into an existing water circuit (e.g. external filter), or it can alternatively be operated with a pump.
22,28 € * More information
The new generation of CO2 reactors. The sera flore CO2 active reactor is integrated into an existing water circuit (e.g. external filter), or it can alternatively be operated with a pump.
31,08 € * More information
Ultrafeine Zerstäubung, effektive CO²-Auflösung.
12,28 € * More information
Für Profi-Ansprüche, kompaktes und hocheffektives CO2 Zugabegerät. Mit CO2-Auffangwanne und Falschgasentlüftung.
13,38 € * More information
The latest result of the research and development department is a new, high-performance and extremely compact CO2 adding device especially for mini aquariums: the CO2 nano flipper.
7,98 € * More information