sera Discus Granules Nature is the staple food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured soft granules for all discus fish (including fry) and other demanding ornamental fish.
71,18 € *
ASTACOLOR intensively colour-enhancing flake food for discus.
14,38 € *
TROPICAL DISCUS GRAN D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus.
64,08 € *
Green food with Spirulina for bigger herbivorous cichlids. sera Cichlid Green XL is the staple food consisting of carefully manufactured granules for bigger cichlids and other big fish that mainly eat plants and periphyton.
25,98 € *
Green food with Spirulina for bigger herbivorous cichlids. sera Cichlid Green XL is the staple food consisting of carefully manufactured granules for bigger cichlids and other big fish that mainly eat plants and periphyton.
49,58 € *
Schwimmende Basis-Futtersticks für die tägliche Fütterung mittelgroßer Cichliden, die ein pflanzliches Futter bevorzugen, z.B. pflanzenfressende Cichliden aus dem Malawi- oder Tanganjika-See.
14,88 € *
TROPICAL DISCUS GRAN D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing sinking granules for discus.
40,88 € *
CICHLID & AROWANA MEDIUM STICKS colour-enhancing food for medium cichlids and young arowanas.
29,82 € *
CICHLID RED & GREEN MEDIUM STICKS multi-ingredient food for medium cichlids.
9,98 € *
CICHLID COLOR colour-enhancing flakes for cichlids.
56,78 € *