Micro soft granules for fry with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured micro soft granules for all fry eating in middle water layers.
38,18 € * More information
Futter für die Brut eierlegender Fische.
2,88 € * More information
Micro flakes for juveniles. sera Vipan Baby is the rearing food consisting of carefully manufactured micro flakes for all juvenile fish eating at the water surface.
3,78 € * More information
Micro soft granules for fry with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Baby Nature is the rearing food without dyes and preservatives consisting of gently manufactured micro soft granules for all fry eating in middle water layers.
4,98 € * More information
Proteinreiches, wachstumförderndes Staubfutter für Brutfische.
4,38 € * More information
Besonders feines Granulatfutter für die Aufzucht von Süßwassergarnelen. Dennerle Shrimp King Baby Aufzuchtfutter ist geeignet für Garnelenlarven aller Altersstufen. Die über 20 verschiedenen Zutaten garantieren eine abwechslungsreiche Fütterung.
7,98 € * More information
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form kleiner sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung von kleinen Aquarienfischen und Jungfischen.
32,49 € * More information
Micro flakes for juveniles. sera Vipan Baby is the rearing food consisting of carefully manufactured micro flakes for all juvenile fish eating at the water surface.
39,68 € * More information