Granulatfutter für Bodenfresser
4,88 € *
SUPERVIT multi-ingredient flakes with beta-glucan.
29,48 € *
Color food consisting of flakes with 10% Krill for natural color development. sera San Nature is the color food without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
53,48 € *
era Plankton Tabs Nature is the color food without dyes and preservatives in tablet form. The gently processed food tabs are suitable for all fish that eat at the bottom (e.g. catfish, loaches) and invertebrates in fresh and marine water.
74,78 € *
Ein pflanzliches Flockenfutter mit Spirulina platensis-Algen (6%) für die tägliche Fütterung pflanzen- und allesfressender Fische in Süß- und Meerwasseraquarien.
6,28 € *
BREEDER MIX flakes for fish kept at professional fish farms.
57,98 € *
SUPER SPIRULINA FORTE vegetable flakes with high content of spirulina (36%). Vegetable food in the form of flakes with high (36%) content of spirulina.
193,18 € *
BETTA flakes for fighting-fish. Multi-ingredient flakes for everyday feeding of fighting-fish and other small labyrinth fish, which prefer small aquatic organisms in their diet.
2,99 € *
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung allesfressender Aquarienfische, besonders solcher, die ihre Nahrung in den mittleren Wasserschichten oder am Boden suchen.
43,38 € *
sera GVG-Mix Nature is the treat for fish eating mainly at the surface that does not require dyes and preservatives. The mixture of flakes and dried, whole food organisms such as Krill, bloodworms and daphnia allows for a varied diet.
5,08 € *