Healthy, colourful coral in a marine aquarium is extremely attractive to look at. MaxiCoral A contains, amongst other things, a strontium/barium complex, Mg, Mn, Fe, Mo, Li, Rb, Cr, Co, Cu, Zn, Ni and Se.
10,28 € * More information
AquaMaker is a powerful, fast working water conditioner.
5,28 € * More information
EasyStart beinhaltet hochaktive Bakterienkulturen die Filter und Aquarien schnell starten. Ziel ist es, bei der Inbetriebnahme eines Süß-oder Meerwasseraquariums schnell das Wasser zu säubern und so zu stabilisieren, dass es für Fische geeignet ist.
3,47 € * More information
EasyCarbo Bio is a liquid carbon source for aquarium plants on a natural basis.
3,47 € * More information
Bio-Exit Green restores this biological balance in the aquarium and is effective against beard algae, thread algae, brush algae and brown algae.
14,68 € * More information
Clean water without red slime algae (cyanobacteria). Excital is the new way of removing cyanobacteria without using antibiotics or compounds which contain copper.
6,38 € * More information
Catappa leaves are added to aquarium water because of the healing effect they have on fish and shrimps. Catappa-X is the effective, fluid variant of the leaves.
5,38 € * More information
EasyCarbo is an extremely powerful and effective carbon source for aquarium plants. It also actively combats and prevents the growth of algae.
3,47 € * More information
Clean water without red slime algae (cyanobacteria). Excital is the new way of removing cyanobacteria without using antibiotics or compounds which contain copper.
10,88 € * More information
Bio-Exit Green restores this biological balance in the aquarium and is effective against beard algae, thread algae, brush algae and brown algae.
8,58 € * More information