Söll POND-GOLD Colour-Sticks provide a well-balanced mix of carefully selected ingredients. The red sticks noticeably intensify the colouring of pond fish.
5,48 € *
Immediate help for acute oxygen deficiency. Regulates the oxygen content in the pond. Makes water crystal clear. Removes bad smells.
54,59 € *
Ideal für die Erstbefüllung von neuen Gartenteichen. Bereitet Leitungs-, Regen- und Brunnenwasser in artgerechtes Teichwasser auf. Entfernt schädliche Stoffe und Verbindungen aus dem Wasser.
12,28 € *
Söll KoiGold Mix consists of small-size pellets (2 mm) as well as larger size pellets (5 mm), which makes it suitable for a balanced diet for all Koi regardless of size.
5,60 € *
Söll KoiGold Mix consists of small-size pellets (2 mm) as well as larger size pellets (5 mm), which makes it suitable for a balanced diet for all Koi regardless of size.
9,38 € *
Food sticks for feeding all pond fish. High quality components for a healthy diet, optimal digestibility and a strong immune system.
5,08 € *
Food sticks for feeding all pond fish. High quality components for a healthy diet, optimal digestibility and a strong immune system.
7,28 € *
Für gesunde Fische und gesundes Wasser. Macht fischgiftige Stoffe wie Ammoniak und Nitrit unschädlich. Hilft parasitäre Erkrankungen bei Fischen vorzubeugen. Stärkt die Widerstandskraft und Vitalisierung der Fische. Befreit das Wasser von üblen Gerüchen.
12,28 € *