For all ornamental fish as main food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for clearer water guaranteed
7,08 € * More information
Ornamental fish staple food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for guaranteed clearer water
37,78 € * More information
For all ornamental fish as main food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for clearer water guaranteed
37,78 € * More information
Flake food with natural color enhancers for more color power of your ornamental fish.
42,28 € * More information
Specially adapted to the needs of discus fish main feed granules. Slowly sinking for species-appropriate feed intake.
15,08 € * More information
Specially adapted to the needs of discus fish main feed granules. Slowly sinking for species-appropriate feed intake.
49,88 € * More information
Staple food for all cichlids and other large ornamental fish - with the patented BioActive® formula.
12,78 € * More information
High-quality fast-sinking complete feed in tablet form especially for ornamental fish living near the ground, e.g. for catfish, loaches and basking barbels.
31,98 € * More information
Adhesive food tablets - Watch fish feed right at the front of the aquarium.
6,68 € * More information
Perfekt abgestimmtes Flockenfutter für Goldfische. Vielseitige Ernährung, auch für andere Kaltwasserfische geeignet.
9,58 € * More information
Complete flake food mix, ideal for all small and young fish in garden ponds. Provides all-round, balanced nutrition.
12,98 € * More information
Green food tablets with a high proportion of spirulina algae. Staple food for a varied diet for all bottom-feeding fish.
8,68 € * More information
Staple food mix for meat - and herbivorous ground fish and crayfish.
7,78 € * More information
Staple food mix for meat - and herbivorous ground fish and crayfish.
19,38 € * More information
Specially designed mini-flakes for guppies and other live-bearers.
5,98 € * More information
Enriched with the best fish oil it provides extra-protion energy, it also contains essential omega-3 fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins like A and D. For all ornamental fish.
50,08 € * More information
High-quality color granule food for full color development of all ornamental fish.
6,58 € * More information
Multi-Crisps with high content of caratinoids to enhance the natural color. Regularly fed, the color-enhancing effect is already noticeable after two weeks. Premium food for all ornamental fish.
8,88 € * More information
Multi-Crisps with high content of caratinoids to enhance the natural color. Regularly fed, the color-enhancing effect is already noticeable after two weeks. Premium food for all ornamental fish.
50,18 € * More information
Prepares tap water immediately to near-natural, fish-friendly aquarium water. Combination of vitamins, natural biopolymers and trace elements ensures healthy water and healthy fish.
8,58 € * More information