Der innovative EasyCrystal FilterPack C ist für den EasyCrystal Filter und für die EasyCrystal FilterBox geeignet. Die Filterkartusche ist mit Aktivkohle beschichtet und sorgt für kristallklares gesundes Aquariumwasser.
16,37 € *
For catching fish and shrimp.
5,99 € *
Combats blanketweed and floating algae (green water) with long-lasting benefits and prevents algae growth in spring. Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
23,07 € *
Der innovative EasyCrystal FilterPack C ist für den EasyCrystal Filter und für die EasyCrystal FilterBox geeignet. Die Filterkartusche ist mit Aktivkohle beschichtet und sorgt für kristallklares gesundes Aquariumwasser.
8,48 € *
Staple food in the form of floating sticks for all pond fish. Tetra Pond Sticks provides a complete and biologically balanced diet.
9,58 € *
Quickly combats floating algae (green water) in ponds with targeted results within 24 hours. Use algaecides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.
21,98 € *
Fine grained main food in granulate form for all ornamental fish.
5,98 € *
Tetra pH/KH Plus allows a precise and controlled increase of carbonate hardness (KH). The pH value depends on KH and carbon dioxide (CO2) content. If the CO2 level is constant, the pH value can only be influenced by the KH value.
3,88 € *
Stabilises important water values in garden ponds quickly and effectively, thereby preventing excessively soft water.
10,88 € *