D-50 PLUS colour-enhancing flakes for discus.
62,98 € *
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung allesfressender Aquarienfische, besonders solcher, die ihre Nahrung in den mittleren Wasserschichten oder am Boden suchen.
10,18 € *
Staple food consisting of soft granules with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured soft granules without dyes and preservatives for all fish eating in the middle water layers.
63,58 € *
SUPERVIT multi-ingredient flakes with beta-glucan.
8,49 € *
SUPERVIT multi-ingredient flakes with beta-glucan.
47,18 € *
For all ornamental fish as main food for a long and healthy fish life. With new formula for clearer water guaranteed
42,56 € *
Ein proteinreiches, vitalisierendes und farbverstärkendes Flockenfutter für die tägliche Fütterung alles- und fleischfressender Fische.
95,08 € *
Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
7,58 € *
Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
53,78 € *
Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature is the staple food consisting of floating flakes without dyes and preservatives for all ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
89,08 € *