XL Staple food with 4% insect meal and prebiotic effect. sera Vipan Nature Large Flakes is the staple food consisting of floating large flakes without dyes and preservatives for all bigger ornamental fish eating at the water surface.
49,88 € *
Fine grained main food in granulate form for all ornamental fish.
53,08 € *
BREEDER MIX flakes for fish kept at professional fish farms.
32,98 € *
Ein pflanzliches Flockenfutter mit Spirulina platensis-Algen (6%) für die tägliche Fütterung pflanzen- und allesfressender Fische in Süß- und Meerwasseraquarien.
58,88 € *
Ein zutatenreiches Futter in der Form sinkender Körnchen für die tägliche Fütterung allesfressender Aquarienfische, besonders solcher, die ihre Nahrung in den mittleren Wasserschichten oder am Boden suchen.
12,48 € *
Probiotic growth food for ornamental fish up to 4 cm
66,48 € *
Specially designed mini flakes for guppies and other live-bearers.
6,98 € *
sera Bettagran Nature is the easily digestible color food without dyes and preservatives for labyrinth fish such as Betta.
3,88 € *
Staple food consisting of soft granules with 4% insect meal. sera Vipagran Nature is the staple food consisting of gently manufactured soft granules without dyes and preservatives for all fish eating in the middle water layers.
59,58 € *
SUPERVIT multi-ingredient flakes with beta-glucan.
4,78 € *